Community hub, cafe, farm and nursery Kitchen Farm are hosting Meet the Farmer, a casual day of fun, collaboration and of course, plants!
The day will jam packed with family and plant friendly activities like terracotta pot painting, succulent propagating, seed bomb creating, workshops, guest stallholders and live music. As well as displays of Kitchen Farm’s journey, Crickey Tucker Farm guest speaker Aaron on Indigenous plants, a plant sale and an informative Q/A with local farmers about food economy.
Kitchen Farm’s event will welcome the Adelaide Hills’ newest farm and celebrate the reopening of Kitchen Farm Pantry while giving locals the opportunity to meet Kym ‘The Farm Guy’ Ormond who specialises in urban food gardening and edible plants.
The free event will celebrate the “Month of Permaculture” leading up to Mount Barker’s sold-out Australian Permaculture Convergence after a 30-year hiatus