STEM for Kids in Adelaide

Ignite your child’s love for science with the best science museums, workshops, and classes for kids in Adelaide.

Inventor Kids

Discover STEM like you’ve never seen it before! Inventor Kids run interactive science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) classes for kids. Your child’s lifelong love of STEM starts at Inventor Kids and you can be confident that they will discover and grow their passion for STEM during these classes. Inventor Kids has a wide range of classes designed for preschool and primary school-aged children (3 – 11 year olds) that are...

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MOD Adelaide

MOD. is a place for kids who love hands on, interaction and all things STEM!There’s a mix of diverse and sensory activities catering for a wide range of ages, knowledge and capabilities. These are spaces for doing, not just seeing and best of all it’s TOTALLY FREE! Kids will be inspired about all things science and technology and although their website states that the exhibitions are primarily aimed at older kids (ages 15+)...

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An experiment a Day for National Science Week

National Science Week happens each year in August and who better to help us with some easy at home science experiments that our favourite Sciencey friend SIMON! His fun, easy to follow YouTube videos make it super simple to play along at home. Which ones will you try?

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Australian Space Discovery Centre, Adelaide

5, 4, 3, 2 ,1…………..Hey Adelaide, are you ready to get excited about space?The Australian Space Discovery Centre (ASDC) has landed at in the McEwin Building at Lot Fourteen (North Terrace, Adelaide) and is open to the public! (click here to book your visit now) The Discovery Centre aims to inspire the next generation of the space workforce with stories of innovation, curiosity and technology. It offers a place for the...

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Celebrating National Science Week with recommended books for inquisitive minds.

We LOVE books here at Kids in Adelaide and we LOVE science, so we thought we’d put together a list of our favourite science themed books for you to try this National Science Week. No matter what area of science your kids are interested in, you’ll find a book over at Booktopia for them to learn more about their favourite topic. There are books on astronomy, plants and nature, inventing, space, animals, insects and heaps more! They...

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South Australian Maritime Museum

The Maritime Museum collection began in 1872 to preserve, explore and celebrate the human history of our oceans and rivers. It is Australia’s oldest nautical collection and also includes new features, such as the Port River Dolphin area. Renowned for its innovative approach to maritime history and education, the Museum incorporates the historic Bond Store with three floors of exhibitions, the Port Adelaide Lighthouse from South Neptune...

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South Australian Aviation Museum

The South Australian Aviation Museum, located close to the Railway Museum and the Maritime Museum such a kid friendly, fun, informative and hands on place to visit. SAAM has 27 significant Aircraft on display, all of them under cover in our display hangars. Several of our aircraft are the only examples of their type on display in Australia. Most of the aircraft have flown in South Australia at some point in their life and every one has a story...

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Silly Science with Simon

Believe it or not, there are actually YouTube videos for kids don’t have to involve an “unboxing”. We recently stumbled across a great educational YouTube channel called Silly Science with Simon and what makes it even better is he’s based in Adelaide! Simon is going to share some of his silly, fun, safe science experiments you can do at home with the kids. You can check them out here on this page, or jump over to...

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Aussie Backyard Bird Count

Every October What is it? The Aussie Backyard Bird Count aims to engage communities in the natural world while getting to know the birds in your local area through participation in a simple, fun, all-ages activity that can be done anywhere. By taking part in the Aussie Backyard Bird Count kids will become citizen scientists. By participating in the Aussie Backyard Bird Count, you will be helping BirdLife Australia find out about the common...

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How to Make Fluffy Slime

Have you made Fluffy Slime before? This slime recipe is a follow up to our original Super Simple Slime recipe. We decided to UP the slime skills and try making Fluffy Slime. Just as easy, only needs a few extra ingredients. What you’ll need to make fluffy slime:  Contact Lens/Saline solution ** MUST CONTAIN BORIC ACID **Craft Glue. We used white craft PVA glue from Kmart. $4WaterShaving creamCornstarchFoaming hand washMoisturiser...

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Super Easy Slime Recipes

Do you even have kids if you’ve never made slime? I have a love/hate relationship with the stuff. She loves it / I hate it because it’s messy and almost always ends up somewhere it’s not meant to be. BUT I do have to admit that it is pretty fun to make and also VERY satisfying when you get the recipe just right and make perfect slime. I feel like we’ve made every slime recipe known to man. We have whole books dedicated...

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SIX Super Simple Science Experiments To Try at Home

Science experiments don’t always need a lab coat and a microscope. I bet you’ve got most if not all of the below items in your cupboard already.These are great school holiday boredom busters too, especially ones like the “Icy Treasures” BUBBLE PAINT Combine a couple of teaspoons of baking soda into a cup and add food colouring until you’re happy with the colour.Then add around a 1/4 of a cup of water and mix...

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St David (FEB + MARCH)

St David (FEB + MARCH)

Event Cinemas

Event Cinemas

Bright Star

stork nest

lime tree




QBR Books


Novelty Jan 23

ugly swan

ugly swan






cotton on

Cotton On Group Logos (New Sept 2019)


Connetix 64 Piece Pastel Starter Pack


love to dream

earths water

earths water

