
Easter Long Weekend at Lenswood Pick Your Own

At Lenswood Pick Your Own 122 Harris Road, Lenswood, SA, Australia

EASTER LONG WEEKEND AT LENSWOOD PICK YOUR OWN! OPEN EVERY DAY OVER THE WEEKEND 9am TILL 4pm and SATURDAY 9am till 8pm 🍎5 VARIETIES TO PICK OFF THE TREE - Gala (this will be the last weekend of Gala!), Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, Red Delicious & Fuji. 🍷🍾 WINE TASTING - For the adults - […]


At Lenswood Pick Your Own

At Lenswood Pick Your Own 122 Harris Road, Lenswood, SA, Australia

At Lenswood Pick Your Own  Pick Your Own Apples - A 23 acre Pick Your Own orchard offering a variety of different apples. Handpick your apples when in season from early March to May. Emerse yourself in the spectacular views of our farm and experience the simple joy of seeing where food comes from. A […]


At Lenswood Opening Weekend

At Lenswood Pick Your Own 122 Harris Road, Lenswood, SA, Australia

Head to At Lenswood for the opening weekend of 2024 apple picking season! Visit the Farm Cafe with locally made Aussie Apple Pies - think a meat pie but an apple pie with cream squeezed in instead of tomato sauce. Local produce, bakery items for lunch, farm toys, fresh flowers and gifts. Coffee, tea and […]
