Author: Smart Health

“Low Tone”- What does it mean and What can I do?

This is an article that is VERY important to read. There are so many great tips to help your child stay strong and healthy, plus ways to identify if there is an underlying problem of low tone. Thanks Smart Health Training and Services! One of the most common “groups” of children that present into our clinic are children that have low tone.  So what is it, how does it effect the child and what can you do about it? The first concept to understand...

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Pilates for Kids

As an Aunty to several beautiful nieces and nephews, I’m always looking for new activities to do to keep them all fit, healthy and happy. Pilates is a great activity for kids. It improves flexibility, strength, balance and posture, assists to maintain an ideal bodyweight, assists with injury rehabilitation, encourages participation in regular exercise, and improves self esteem among many other benefits. Whether your child is the next Olympian...

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Cirkidz- what an opportunity!

There are so many ways for children to play, learn, grown and build their strength. We love this blog from Russell, who is a chiropractor at Smart Health Training and Services.  Cirkidz, what an opportunity!  A dad’s perspective. It has been weeks of rehearsal, a big build up, Cirkidz performers are ready, a large crowd gathers, the stage is ready, lighting dulled, music crafted and cued, the production, begins!  A masterful choreograph of,...

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This is a really BIG issue in schools, homes and workplaces. Thank you to Greg, who is a physio at Smart Health Training and Services, for his informative, relevant blog on the ergonomic use of devices. Ever had one of your children complain about neck pain, back pain or headaches?  You’re not alone………. A quick audit of the IT devices and “screens” in our household reveals just how heavily invested and surrounded by this technology we are.  2...

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Growing Pains

Growing Pains were a big part of my early teenage years. I suffered from aching legs most nights from age 10-12, and my mum used to help me massage my legs to try to ease the ache. I played loads and loads of sport and we were always outside running around so I was always confused as to whether they were growing pains or just tired muscles. As I got older, I realised that tired muscles feel very different to growing pains! This article is a...

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St David (FEB + MARCH)

St David (FEB + MARCH)

Event Cinemas

Event Cinemas

Bright Star

stork nest

lime tree




QBR Books


Novelty Jan 23

ugly swan

ugly swan






cotton on

Cotton On Group Logos (New Sept 2019)


Connetix 64 Piece Pastel Starter Pack


love to dream

earths water

earths water

