Set in the heart of Glenelg, this vibrant four-day festival focuses on the universal language of food, featuring delicious and authentic Asian street food prepared by passionate vendors. This event brings people together to celebrate life’s greatest gift: LOVE.
Imagine Glenelg in the summer, where one of the world’s most beautiful sunsets becomes even more magical against the enchanting glow of lanterns while irresistible aromas of Asian street food fill the air. Each lovingly crafted dish from traditional recipes passed down through generations tells a unique story. “Love By The Sea” offers something for everyone: catching up with friends, creating memories with family, sharing a romantic moment with someone special, or indulging yourself a little.
Over four enchanting days, the festival explores different forms of love, each day with its own theme:
The best part is that each day offers a unique experience. With over 20 vendors providing more than 100 dishes, you’ll need multiple visits to sample all the culinary delights. Every day brings a fresh chance to dive into the delightful world of love through food! And let’s not forget the vibrant energy of cultural and modern performing arts!
Remember to bring your phone or a camera. “Love By The Sea” promises to have one of the most Instagrammable ambiences in 2025.
WHERE: Glenelg Foreshore (Jimmy Melrose Park)
WHEN: Thursday 13 – Sunday 16 February
TIME: From 11am – late
COST: Free