A playful baby elephant named Sawdust roams through the chaotic, colourful world of a circus troupe, led by the wild and kooky circus master, Magnolia. As the crazy and cool performers prepare for their big performance, Sawdust has fun, witnessing their hilarious antics and dazzling rehearsals as every act adds its own unique flair, blending laughter, wonder, and awe.
From mischief to magic, the circus world is brimming with fun, making this show a lively, joyful celebration where the unexpected happens at every turn.
WHERE: Umbrella Revolution at The Garden of Unearthly Delights
WHEN: Fri, 14 Feb – Sun, 23 Mar
DURATION: 45 mins
Babies (0-1) | Toddlers (2-3) | Kindergarten (4) | Junior Primary (5-7) | Primary (8-11) | Middle School (12-14) | High School (15-17) | 18+