Goal setting and tracking tool to motivate your child for success!
Goalstar Rewards is an Aussie based website and app that helps kids and parents with goal setting and keeping kids motivated.
The website offers a FREE 4 week trial so you can really give it a good trial before you commit to buy. Create goals for academics, sport, social and behaviour and then put the steps (missions) in place for those goals to be completed. They can be completely customised to suit your child. For example we set up a goal of making the cross country team and then worked together to think of the missions that would need to be completed for that goal to happen. And guess what……she made the team!
You might make a 10 minute a day reading goal, a sports goal to work on through the season, academics goals for the term and behaviour goals at home with a pocket money reward upon completion.
Lately our before and after school routine had gone a bit wonky so we’ve set up a “getting ready for school goal”, and a “ready for bed” goal each with their own missions to complete each morning and night. Eg – brush teeth, make bed, take asthma puffer, apply eczema cream, take lunchbox out of school bag. Goalstar has an online app that can be downloaded to devices so that kids can easily see what missions need to be completed for the day and tick those off.

Parents can choose to offer a reward for goals being completed. Maybe pocket money, a gift card to spend, screen time or a special experience or treat for achieving their goals. These rewards are visible from the dashboard and provide great motivation to get those missions ticked off every day and stay on track to complete a goal.
The Goalstar Rewards program is also a great way for to introduce weekly pocket money. It’s really clear and easy to see exactly what’s expected to get those few dollars at the end of the week and a reminder for what needs to be done each day, and also helps us parents not have to nag about it!
Sitting down for a goal setting session with your child is a great bonding experience and I found it really interesting to get a little insight into the things she wants to achieve both at school and with her sports. We started off by brainstorming a few ideas on paper before moving them to her goal dashboard and now she’s been thinking of lots of new goals and the things that need to happen for her to achieve them.
Parents and kids each get a login so that the goals and missions can be marked off as completed by the child, and approved by the parent to earn those rewards.
The Goalstar Rewards website also has a stack of great information and hints on how to create goals for success, reward do’s and don’ts, motivation, resilience and more. Take a look at their blogs here
If you need some help getting your kids motivated, staying on track or want to start a conversation with your kids about their goals and aspirations take a look at this program.
Get your 4 week FREE TRIAL at www.goalstarrewards.com