We have just taken a hit from a gastro bug. It began with our little 5 month old vomiting steadily on Saturday, before hitting my husband and finally getting me. Our 2 year old managed to avoid the lurgy thank goodness.
So, here are my top 11 tips for surviving gastro.
Prevent it spreading. Wash hands, wash hands, wash ALL the hands!
Cover all couches with towels. You just never know when a vomit is going to come up to say hello.
Water, water, water. Drink as much as you possibly can (even if it’s the last thing you feel like doing!). Try Hyrdolyte sachets or iceblocks too. These will help keep your fluids up and prevent those dreaded post-gastro headaches. Children with gastro MUST keep drinking!
If the kids are okay, but you are ill, set up a craft table/reading nook/cubby house that the kids can use independently while you stare down the toilet bowl.
Have new toothbrushes on hand to replace the old germy ones.
Do NOT jump on the trampoline for at least 48 hours following a bout of gastro (note to husband!).
Don’t let young babies go for more than 12 hours without seeing a doctor. Offer them cool, boiled water and breastmilk in smaller, more frequent quantities.
Have enough buckets. We made this rookie error last year when we had our first ever Family Gastro experience. Not good. We now have 3 buckets and two tubs. Perfect for catching all sorts of sprays!
Grainwaves and Lemonade. Just always have these at the back of the cupboard for post-gastro recovery. For the kids, toast and diluted apple juice should do the trick.
Wipe down all the door handles, light switches, toys, TV remotes and your mobile phone with disinfectant when you feel better.
If your kids are not drinking at all, show signs of dehydration (dry mouth, no wee, more sleepy than usual), they haven’t been to the toilet or there is ANY blood present if they do, take them to the doctor!
For more information on symptoms and treatment of gastro head to this website:
As an Aunty to several beautiful nieces and nephews, I’m always looking for new activities to do to keep them all fit, healthy and happy. Pilates is a great activity for kids. It improves flexibility, strength, balance and posture, assists to maintain an ideal bodyweight, assists with injury rehabilitation, encourages participation in regular exercise, and improves self esteem among many other benefits. Whether your child is the next Olympian or you just want to encourage involvement in some type of physical activity, Pilates can be suited to any fitness level. Pilates for adults often requires a great deal of concentration and focus but with children Pilates needs to be fun and more about just moving. It’s about developing good body awareness and good mind body control by incorporating Pilates based exercises and principles into play. This can be achieved by using lots of tools such as foam rollers, gym balls and chi balls; as well as making up games like renaming the exercises after animals. Pilates is similar to karate, ballet and gymnastics in that it does teach children a level of calm, coordination and control. Children who don’t otherwise find a sport or physical activity appealing might like the…
Get the whole family together for the ultimate fun-filled Adelaide Oval kids adventure. See the iconic stadium in a whole new way on this action-packed tour with the expert Adelaide Oval Ambassadors. Follow the trail with interactive activities along the way, which will have the kids thinking and walking in the footsteps of famous sporting heroes. Experience all things cricket and football behind the scenes where you’ll get the chance to be the coach, part of the media, a commentator and even a scoreboard operator! Every child will receive an Adelaide Oval souvenir and activity booklet at the end of the tour. An experience for the whole family, this will have both kids and parents learning and laughing all the way round the iconic Adelaide Oval. Adelaide Oval’s public Stadium Tours cost $17 for children, $23 for adults or $70 for families. Tours run daily with limited spots available, please check their website for tour times. The tours last approximately 90 minutes at a steady walking pace and may include the use of steps, stairs, ramps, escalators, and lifts. Comfortable walking shoes and weather appropriate clothes are strongly recommended. Book online at: www.adelaideoval.com.au/tours
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Mum to three. I'm a school teacher, sport lover and Milo addict. I don't particularly like blue tongue lizards even though I know they keep snakes away.