Ever wanted to tell your family to GET LOST? Well, now you can – in the best way possible! Kids In Adelaide were recently gifted the game GETTING LOST to try and we are here to tell you, it is a HEAP of fun and a great way to explore your own suburb or somewhere completely new!

It really is simple – you pick your pack depending on the type of adventure you want. There are heaps to choose from, including a cycling edition, girls road trip, Aussie edition, summer edition, even a wellbeing pack! Then jump in the car (or on your bike, on the footpath, etc etc!), appoint someone as the official card reader and start turning over the cards (aptly named ‘misdirection cards!’) to see where you need to go or what you need to do!

So what type of instructions can you expect? When we played, we had cards such as “drive to a house you used to live in, or an old workplace”, “stop for a treat”, “have a play on the nearest playground”, “follow a blue car” and “hang a right at the next servo”. The kids were delighted with all of the fun activities they go to do along the way and we found ourselves down some streets we’d never even noticed in our own neighbourhood before! Between all of the different packs there is quite literally hundreds of directions and activities so you’ll never get sick of it. Plus the cards and packs are designed to be played anywhere in the world so once you’ve explored close to home, pop them in your suitcase for your next holiday and explore a whole other place!

GETTING LOST is perfect to take on holiday or play on a weekend or during school holidays to fill a day that would otherwise be spent in front of the TV. If you aren’t sure which pack is right for you, you can do the handy quiz on the GETTING LOST website. This is also great for working out which pack to get as gifts (perfect Secret Santa pressie!).

We will definitely be adding to our GETTING LOST collection – we are totally hooked now plus the kids keep asking when we can play again!

You can grab GETTING LOST from their website or follow them on Facebook or Instagram.

*Kids In Adelaide were gifted GETTING LOST in exchange for an honest review. The above words are completely our own*

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