Ever heard of ‘Glow Trees’? Ghost Mushroom Lane is a is a REAL place!
The Ghost Mushroom is native to Australia and it glows green in the night…..If you’re heading down around our states south east / Mount Gambier between May and the end of June, an evening visit here is worth braving the cold and dark.
Ghost Mushroom Season Info
According to Forestry SA, to see the Ghost Mushrooms this year, you need to book a guided tour, meaning you can’t just buy an access pass and go in on your own. It looks like tours are booking out fast too, so be quick to book your tour via Walk The Limestone Coast here.
Rug up, grab a torch and step out into the night to see these luminous green glowing fungi. Some can grow as large as a dinner plate and guaranteed to bring forth all sorts of questions from your kids as to how and what makes them glow.
Ghost Mushroom Lane is 2.3km long and located within working pine forest near Glencoe, just 16km North West of Mount Gambier. Mount Gambier is a 4.5 hour drive from Adelaide.
Ghost Mushroom Lane, is a magical mystery to some… It’s been described as ‘Kids Fairy Land’ ..and yes….we have been told it is a tad SPOOKY!
About 2 kms of trails along Ghost Mushroom Lane include names such as Ghostly Gully, Fungi Hunters Alley, Fairytale Hollows, and Neon Forrest. The trail is highlighted and easy to self follow. Should your little darlings start to act up – just remind them the place after all is called “Ghost” Mushroom Lane for a very good reason, and if that doesn’t tame them, threaten to take their torch, a sure way to quickly quieter them down!
A range of guided group tours are available to book throughout the Ghost Mushroom season (May and June annually).
The Lady Nelson Visitor Centre are also a fantastic first port of call when you are down in the area phone 1800 087 187 How fantastic if you are passing through our states South East! Definitely worth adding this little evening activity to the itinerary.
Find it at: Oval Road, Mount Torrens Put together by the talented team at Climbing Tree Consultancy (seriously they do some of the best playgrounds in SA), The Leckie Playground at Mt Torrens playground is another beauty. With plenty of natural shade, the lovely oval next door, bench seating, a picnic table, water play and some ripping nature play equipment for the kids to explore, this is a real winner. There aren't any toilets however which was a shame. We found it suitable for all ages and is just a relaxing, tranquil setting which is the ideal stop as you explore our beautiful Adelaide Hills. For all our hills playgrounds, so you can make a proper day of it, click here.
Find it at: The Springlake development at Mount BarkerYou'll find this playground within the Springlake development in Mount Barker. This is a small park with a slide, a few different swings, climbing logs and a great flying fox. It's a really nice quiet peaceful spot, great for kids who aren't keen on big noisy play spaces. No toilets and no shade but some nice big gum trees surrounding the park There's a great cafe called Pallet about 50m away....one of the finalists in our 2019 Adelaide's Best Babyccino competition!
Intrigued by the name on a recent trip to the South East (Limestone Coast), we couldn't help but divert 14 km south of Keith to check out Mount Monster Conservation Park. Turns out it's claim to fame is not really that monstrous at all, but is home to an unusual geological feature, that seems quite out of place, a big granite outcrop that can't be found any where else in SA. A short hike (more of a rock scramble - achievable with kids) to the summit rewarded us with uninterrupted views over the area and would make for a pretty cool sunset spot. For the inquisitive (not my kids on this occasion), an interpretive self-guided walk around the base of the granite outcrop will reveal some of the secrets of Mount Monster. We saw some pretty fascinating wildflowers, bird life and kangaroos in the distance. It is apparently not uncommon to come across wallabies, echidna, woodland birds, and reptiles. Our highlight was skimming rocks in an old water filled quarry. A great spot for a picnic and we highly recommend a meal or refreshment break at the Willalooka Tavern near by. (We knocked back a dozen oysters and some wood…
Wife of a FIFO miner, but don't let that define her. Mum of two jetty jumping brats aged tween and teen (who live on fresh air, saltwater and attitude). Bare feet not heels. Hats not hair styles. Beaches not bars. Food over fashion. If you can't find her she's likely 'home' on the Yorke Peninsula.