NAIDOC Week 2024 is happening from 7-14 July, with the theme ‘Keep the fire burning! Blak, loud and proud’. This year, we celebrate the strong spirit of our communities and invite everyone to stand together, making sure all voices are heard.

The fire represents the enduring strength and vitality of Indigenous cultures, passed down through generations despite many challenges. It’s a symbol of connection to the land, to each other, and to the rich traditions that define Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Honoring this flame, we spark pride and unity, committing to acknowledge, preserve, and share the cultural heritage that enriches our nation.

“Blak, Loud and Proud” is about celebrating Indigenous identity without apology, standing tall in our heritage, and asserting our place in the modern world. This theme encourages reclaiming narratives, amplifying voices, and staying committed to justice and equality. It invites all Australians to listen, learn, and engage in meaningful dialogue, fostering a society where Indigenous wisdom and contributions are fully valued and respected.

NAIDOC Week is a time to celebrate and recognise the history, culture, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It’s a chance for everyone to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and join in celebrating the oldest continuous living cultures on earth. Support and get to know your local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities through various activities and events across the country.

Here are some events happening in South Australia for NAIDOC Week 2024:

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