Author: Michelle

Autumn Craft

There is inspiration all around us at the moment, to get us thinking and talking about art! I bet all your little ones are already talking about the riot of colours festooned on our deciduous trees in our streets. Take a moment to go outside in the beautiful autumn light and collect a handful of different sized and shaped leaves to use in our resist print, ‘Autumn Inspired Artwork.’ You will need the following: A canvas or A3 (or larger)...

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Dream Scaping and Intention Setting

A nice way to support your school aged children in the transition back into school life, is to work with them on their goals.  This project is mixing love and art together to create a very cool collage Dream Scaping vison board. You don’t need much.  Love.  Plus the following items: MagazinesScissorsGlueA4 or A3 paperTime I always start this process with a connection to self, even if that is just closing your eyes and focusing on...

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Hugs are awesome. We all love giving and receiving hugs. The average length of a hug is three seconds, but did you know that when a hug lasts 20 seconds, there is a therapeutic effect on the body and mind? The reason is that a sincere embrace produces oxytocin, otherwise known as the love hormone. This substance has many benefits to our physical and mental health. Among many things it helps us relax, to feel safe, to calm our fears and...

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Mindfulness in Art- Part 3

We explored Mindfulness in Art with our last instalment on Kids in Adelaide with the Shell Mobiles you created from your slow walks along the beach…or fast walks if your children are smaller and faster! In this instalment of Mindfulness in Art we are using nothing but our own bodies and our imaginations. This activity can be used from children as young as three to your teenagers, boy or girl! Regardless of age, it is engaging and teaches the...

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Mindfulness in Art- Part Two

We explored Mindfulness in Art with our last instalment on Kids in Adelaide with Nature Mandalas, with objects collected from the beach and the dunes. Thanks for the great images that came in with your beautiful mandalas…..amazing!! In this instalment of Mindfulness in Art we are using all the beautiful shells we collected for our nature mandala to create a mobile. A project like this is even more satisfying when you are on holidays, creating...

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Mindfulness in Art – Part One

As the warmer weather is approaching and we are able to enjoy our parks and beaches again I want to explore two of my favourite things…art and mindfulness! We can create art anywhere! It is such a great medium to allow us to be ‘present’ or ‘in the moment’ as we are thinking and concentrating on creating, allowing the pace of the world to just slow down. So welcome to the first part of Mindfulness in Art! Nature Mandalas A Mandala is a Sanskrit...

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Scratch Art

If your house is similar to mine, where your children are slightly obsessed with scratch paper – then this art is for you! The absolute thrill of scratching off the top colour to find another nestled beneath is akin to magic for our little and big children. However, the cost of these magical papers is quite astounding…so, let’s make our own! You will need: A4 paperA scratch tool (or something pointy – I use the end of a paintbrush for my kids...

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Father’s Day Art Gift

Love Stones for Daddies The Fathers in this world hold their children in their arms and hearts and carry the thought of them all through their days. For this, we are so very grateful. Love Stones for Daddies is a beautiful gift idea for Father’s Day. It allows your child to think of all the things that they would love to do, or already do, with their Dads and they get to pick a love stone when ever the need arises – for sharing special times...

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Mexican Mirror- Art

We look all over the world to find inspiration for our art. In the Mexican markets, in the brightly coloured stalls, you can find mirrors made from tin foil. So, in true inspiring fashion you can create these beautiful pieces of art with your little ones. If you are thinking about explaining the art elements to your little one, then we are using lines as repetitions and patterns! You will need: Embossing foil (found at art stores) or you can...

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Mindfulness Mandalas for Mums and Babes

The meaning of mandala comes from the Sanskrit word meaning ‘circle’ and is a representation of the universe. They are A LOT of fun to create and children just love colouring them in! So…this is an activity for Mums and Babes on those cold, wintry days when all you want to do is be quieter, calmer and drink cups of tea! You don’t need much to get started, just a compass, eraser, pencil, ruler, white paper and nice artline pen. Plus colouring in...

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Event Cinemas

Event Cinemas

christmas warehouse

lime tree



Novelty Jan 23

ugly swan

ugly swan






cotton on

Cotton On Group Logos (New Sept 2019)


Connetix 64 Piece Pastel Starter Pack



love to dream

earths water

earths water

