Are you the Mum who organises Mother’s Day for the extended family?
Are you the Mum who organises Mother’s Day for YOU (cough cough), because it can be forgotten?
Are you the Dad who wants to think outside the box this Mother’s Day?
Are you the Mum who wants a leave pass to do something for YOU for a couple of hours?
Are you the family who does not want to spend big bucks on Mother’s Day but wants to celebrate this lovely day without breaking the bank?

Well, Kids in Adelaide have put on their creative caps for the best of the best Mother’s Day adventures in Adelaide for FREE, including ways you could spend your special day in our beautiful city and beyond.

Pack a picnic for Carrick Hill

Take a rug and picnic hamper and enjoy a picnic at Carrick Hill. Choose from many locations including the Story Book Trail, Stables Lawns or pick another spot across the grounds.

free entry

Send Mum on a Scavenger Hunt

Whether it’s around the house, backyard or you want to venture a bit further, why not send Mum on a Scavenger Hunt with clues? The kids will have a ball setting it up & Mum will appreciate the effort – you could leave a drawing or Mother’s Day craft project at the end for her to find!


Chill in the Hills

Say hello to an overdue nature visit perhaps? Enjoy a walk or hike at Mount Lofty, walk in Belair National Park or even Waterfall Gully. Autumn is perfect for a day where you immerse yourself in the beautiful colours our hills can show off… a stroll in Hahndorf or Stirling is also a must before you head home too!

Mother’s Day Classic Local

Complete your walk/run, honour those touched by breast cancer and enjoy the community spirit on the day. All you need to do is bring along your race pack (which will be delivered to your door beforehand), arrive at your assigned time, use your phone to scan the QR code at your location and complete one or two laps of the course.

click here for more info

For the Arty Mum…..visit The Art Gallery of S.A

Head to North Terrace for a morning of art darling! The Art Gallery (free!) As an added bonus you could also explore SA Museum and a walk on the Torrens.

Day Spa at Home

OK this one is for the boys if you’re reading this and do not want to break the bank…. Get out of the house and take the kids too (yes, that is the deal). Mum, set up a nice hot bath – with bubbles – ditch the bath toys, light a candle & grab a book. Recreate a 5 star day spa as best you can plus add a vino. Oh, and don’t forget to get in. Afterwards jump into bed and watch whatever rom-com takes your fancy ….. ohhh how divine!

For the Selfie Mum……a street art tour

Perhaps in inspiration from the above suggestion; pick three or more fabulous street art locations for a morning of happy snapping Mother’s Day portraits! What a fabulous way to get some family pics on your special day in great locations across Adelaide.

Take a surprise day trip

Get exploring this Mother’s Day and visit a town you may have never been to before. We’ve got a whole list of ideas right here

Put on a show for Mum!

Lights, camera, action!

Get together with the kids & make up a a show to perform to Mum in the lounge room… when we were kids, we would spend AGES making up a show, finding costumes, rehearsing then performing to our parents who would try to keep their laugher under wraps while we took to the stage (& by “stage”, we mean lounge room). It will keep the kids busy while they work out their show AND Mum is guaranteed to love the effort.

adelaide fringe at the botanic gardens

Head to a Market

Mother’s Day is on a Sunday which means there are plenty of Markets on that you can take Mum to. Sure, it may not end up being completely free by the time you buy a coffee & perhaps some local produce, but it’s certainly a great choice for a wander & relax. Try the Adelaide Farmer’s Market or head regional to wander the stalls & enjoy all our state has to offer. 

adelaide fringe at the botanic gardens

Relax in the Botanic Gardens

Bake a delicious cake or biscuits, pack a picnic rug, some pillows, and decorative plates. Pick a spot: under a tree, a table overlooking the flowers, sprawl out on the green grass and enjoy the oasis in the middle of the city.

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