
The Silos of South Australia

How about a road trip with a twist? As the Silo art craze spreads across rural South Australia we say YES please to exploring new places in our backyard with colourful art that has popped up over the year on silos across SA.What I think is really awesome is these towns want YOU to visit them and that is why they have invested in such a great feature all for US to explore. Say hello to South Australia’s LARGEST outdoor Art Galleries…...

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South Australia Summer School Holidays 2023/24

Saturday 14 December – Monday 27 January 2025 Check back regularly as we add more and more ideas for keeping the kids busy this summer. NEW IDEAS ADDED DAILY! Summer + Christmas + School Holidays – does it get any better than that! Slip, slop, slap and wrap and get out in the sunshine to enjoy the best of what Adelaide has to offer in summer. Days at the beach, at the playground or get festive and check out Adelaide’s Best Christmas Light...

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The Gift of Giving in Adelaide this Christmas

Christmas is the time of giving and this year in particular, giving back and helping others is more important than ever. Kids in Adelaide have come up with a list of awesome, feel good things you and your little humans, extended family or  friends can do for others to give back during the Christmas season. Even a solo random act of kindness can go a long way! Finding ways to give back doesn’t have to be a major commitment or expense. Warm...

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20 Ideas for New Years Eve with Kids at Home

We SO #hardrelate that sometimes the thought of lugging little ones out amongst the New Years Eve crowds is The. Worst. Idea. Ever. So here are a few more subdued and easy to manage New Years Eve ideas. Raid the local $2 shop for glow sticks and sparklers and have a glow party at home. Spend the day making a family Spotify playlist and dance like nobody’s watching, literally! Set up a sleep over party in the lounge room with blankets,...

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Make Your Own Car Shelf

Making and building things with your kids (or lets face is ‘for’ your kids, because they often bail half way through) is rewarding and fun. We recently found a version of this ‘hot wheels’ style shelf on Pinterest and thought we would give it a go. Not only was it easy, and fun, it was quick and the job was done for under $50. It’s a great gift idea or just an excuse for a trip to Bunnings and to spend an hour in...

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Nature Play Ideas for Home

Nature play has to be one of the most wonderful ways to connect with your child. Not only does it give opportunities to have lots of fun, get a little bit messy and to get outdoors, but it also lets you be creative together! Here is a list of all the ways we love to play in nature! Create a mud kitchen – Grab a few bowls, spoons, jugs, saucepans – anything in the kitchen that you don’t really need and add dirt and water. Instant mud kitchen!...

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25 At Home Water Play Ideas

Kids LOVE water play, it’s cheap, and usually pretty clean and well a bit messy but that’s ok, only water right? With hot days ahead it’s always a fun option. Here are some of our favourite activities involving good old H2O that will keep your little people both cool and entertained this summer. An old baby bath, a clam pool and a hose with a changeable pressure and water distribution nozzle are some of the things we find...

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Make your own face masks

This week we found a fantastic little project page through Spotlight (you can find the link here) where you can make your own face masks. Thankfully here in SA it isn’t quite mandatory to wear masks due to Covid-19 like it is elsewhere, but it may be worth preparing just in case and this seemed a cool way to get the kids involved and hopefully make something they will wear! Spotlight’s page have some fantastic tutorials and...

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Veggie Gardening With Kids

From veranda pots to fully blown plots, now is the perfect opportunity to do many things with our kids and families, and this week we are getting started on preparing and planting our winter veggie garden. Gardening with kids is fantastic. It provides education around how our fresh produce comes to be. It gets us outdoors and working together, our kids are probably more inclined to try new seasonal produce that they might otherwise turn their...

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Host a Party in a park like a pro…

Have a party at the park they said – it would be fun and easy….. Liars!!! This was my girlfriend’s reaction post park party outlook. A first timer in the kids party arena however made a few rookie mistakes that may put her off park parties for life. A park is built in entertainment, great for cost savings, no number restrictions BUT the logistics can be the not so entertaining factor. Have no fear the Kids in Adelaide team...

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Blitz the Birthday Theme with 19 great ideas for 2019

Why, hello Birthday! Here you are… again. Did it feel like just last month you put the birthday box back in storage? Well it was more like 11 months ago… Sometimes your child’s birthday is here before you know it and you haven’t planned anything to celebrate. Last minute rushing sometimes ends in impulse buys, lots of stress and leaves your head spinning! So, here is the secret tip – get a theme and the rest can be easy...

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The best things in life are FREE… this Mother’s Day

Are you the Mum who organises Mother’s Day for the extended family?Are you the Mum who organises Mother’s Day for YOU (cough cough), because it can be forgotten?Are you the Dad who wants to think outside the box this Mother’s Day?Are you the Mum who wants a leave pass to do something for YOU for a couple of hours?Are you the family who does not want to spend big bucks on Mother’s Day but wants to celebrate this lovely day without breaking the...

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Accessible beaches in South Australia

The Accessible Beaches campaign was founded in 2016 with a vision of making most patrolled beaches in Australia wheelchair accessible by 2020. I absolutely love their mission statement as follows: “ Our mission is simple. We want to improve the quality of life for more than four million Australians living with a disability by getting them back onto the beach” It is so simple of a lot of us to venture to the beach with no hesitation...

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What colour is your wee? This is important to know in summer!

Its about to get hot-hot-hot in Adelaide and mix in activities in the silly season we can easily forget some pretty crucial symptoms and preventions to keep us chilled like cucumbers and not roasted capsicums!. When the tempreture reaches over 35 c your body may not be able to cool you down fast enough before your health is effected. Heat related illnesses are serious! Dehydration, Heat stroke, Heat exhaustion, Heat cramps and Heat rash can...

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5 ways to create the perfect pantry

A girlfriend recently alerted me to Khloe Kardashian’s pantry and I wanted in on this pantry porn! I was drooling at the labels, the OCD order, the matching water bottles.  A dash to Coles the night before to buy salsa for Tuesday taco night in the cold only to find the salsa the next day stuffed behind a hundred other things … also confirmed my need to be more organised. I want some  Pantry Perfection to make it look pretty,...

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Flinders with the Family

The world famous Flinders Ranges just has to be on everyone’s bucket list. We did the driving, spoke to locals, drove the tracks, spotted all the wildlife, broke up all the back seat kid fights to bring you what we think is the best of the best of the Flinders. The Flinders region is massive. It is so daunting to look at it and wonder where to even start. I have broken it up into southern, middle and northern, because the drive from the...

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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle or REFUSE? Which one?

South Australia is actually well ahead of other states in Oz when it comes to recycling. Did you know Queensland STILL have single use plastic bags in the supermarkets?!? And we were the first state to bring in the 5c bottle recycling (now 10c), which means that 80% of recyclable beverage containers are actually recycled! That’s pretty good! We try our best at home to recycle and reuse as much as possible BUT we could definitely be better...

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6 expert tips to declutter your wardrobe like a pro

There is no better feeling than flinging your wardrobe open and seeing a clutter free zone. The beautifully organised shoes, perfectly folded clothes in the shelves, the neatly hung fashion coordinated and categorised…O.M.G I’m having a coronary due to excitement just thinking about it.  Weird maybe but as a Personal Stylist and Professional Wardrobe Organiser, this is my job and freaking love every second of it! If you think it’s time to get...

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Nature’s Playground at Adelaide Zoo

Find it at: Adelaide Zoo, Frome Road, Adelaide Nature’s Playground is a fantastic play space for kids of all ages, although the climbing equipment best suits kids 4 years and up (smaller kids have things to do and play with too, but be prepared to spend some time lifting them on, off and over things!) Please note, you do have to have an entry ticket or Zoo membership to access this playground. Located just inside the Zoo entrance and...

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Novelty Jan 23

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Cotton On Group Logos (New Sept 2019)


Connetix 64 Piece Pastel Starter Pack



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