The Crafty Beardsman is a bespoke timber creation shop renowned for its expertise in crafting high-quality, custom-built outdoor play equipment for children. Specializing in tailored solutions, the shop offers a diverse range of products including intricate mud kitchens, some featuring plumbed taps and oven cupboards, all constructed from premium soft and hardwoods and finished to perfection. Each piece is meticulously designed to ensure durability and appeal, reflecting the shop’s commitment to creating long-lasting and visually stunning items.

In addition to its standout mud kitchens, The Crafty Beardsman extends its craftsmanship to a variety of custom outdoor and indoor play structures and furniture suitable for different environments. Whether catering to child care centres, kindergartens, schools, or private backyards, the shop excels in delivering high-standard, durable creations that enhance outdoor play experiences for children. The focus on quality and attention to detail ensures that each product not only meets but exceeds expectations, making The Crafty Beardsman a trusted name in custom timber creations.

With a dedication to superior craftsmanship and a passion for designing engaging play environments, The Crafty Beardsman stands out in the field of custom timber work. The shop’s versatility and commitment to excellence make it a go-to source for anyone seeking unique, high-quality indoor and outdoor equipment that will provide endless enjoyment for children and children at heart.

Kids in Adelaide Review

Mud pies, anyone? Let’s be real – kids have been making them forever, and this setup just takes that to the next level. There’s something so simple but wholesome about kids mixing up “mud cakes” and “soup” using dirt, water, flowers, and anything else they can get their hands on.

We were recently gifted a fantastic outdoor mud kitchen from The Crafty Beardsman, and to say the kids love it is an understatement! If you have little adventurers who thrive on messy, outdoor fun, this mud kitchen is perfect for letting them dive headfirst into nature play. Whether you’ve got a big garden or just a small courtyard, this kitchen brings the magic of childhood and outdoor creativity right to your doorstep.

Having a working tap is such a bonus – just connect your hose, and the water’s ready for all the muddy experiments they can dream up! Plus, right in the middle, if you lift the lid, there’s a section for sand. It’s a thoughtful design feature that keeps it clean, ready to be used again and again. A mud kitchen is more than just fun, it’s actually good for them! It helps with fine motor skills, gets them thinking creatively, and, let’s not forget, a bit of dirt is great for the immune system.

What I love most is how open-ended the play is. There’s no right or wrong – just mix, pour, and create. It’s awesome to see their imaginations run wild as they make up all kinds of recipes and games. Plus, it’s a great way for them to learn to problem-solve and work together (when they’re not arguing over who gets the spoon, of course).

What we’ve learnt so far:

  1. Raid the kitchen and give them a few simple tools like old pots, mixing bowls and spoons and let them collect “ingredients” from the garden or while you’re out on a walk – things like pine cones, leaves, or flowers.
  2. Don’t stress about what they make; it’s all about the process.
  3. Make sure they’re dressed for it. Nobody likes a cold, wet, muddy meltdown.
  4. AND join in every now and then – it’s actually pretty fun to get a bit dirty!

At the moment, our mud kitchen is still looking brand new (emphasis on at the moment), but I know it’s only a matter of time before it’s properly muddy and well-used. We’ll definitely keep you posted once it’s been thoroughly “loved” by the kids.

The Crafty Beardsman
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