The pageant starts at 9:30am on Saturday 8th November 2025 and if you want to be Pageant rock stars with front row seats you need to be there by 7am, AT THE LATEST! Actually, when we say 7am, we actually mean 6am. And by 6am, we actually mean 5am. Get Dad, or Grandpa, or Uncle Bob on the job, ask them to go early and throw down a picnic blanket and some chairs so you don’t have to drag the kids there for hours of pre-pageant over excited madness. Coffee bribes tend to work.
At this stage the weather is looking HOT, in the early 30s and mostly sunshine and when you’re standing out on the road for 3 or 4 + hours it won’t take long for little people’s skin to turn a burnt Santa shade of red. Stay sun safe out there!
As usual the Adelaide Pageant will begin at South Terrace from 9:30am. The route will begin at South Terrace and travel north along King William Street, west of Victoria Square/Tarntanyangga, through Reconciliation Plaza along Wakefield Street, left into Pulteney Street, left along North Terrace and then south along King William Street finishing at Beehive corner, on the corner of Rundle Mall.
This year, from Beehive Corner, Father Christmas will be led by a band and dance group through Rundle Mall to a landing stage at the Gawler Place canopy. Here he will deliver his special Christmas message to the people of South Australia. From there, he will head into National Pharmacies in Gawler Place.
Print out a few copies of the route map at
It might also be a good idea to mark some “I’m lost” spots on your route map. Kids can go there if they get lost (if they’re old enough to use a map that is). Or if not, find a recognisable and easy-to-find meeting spot and make sure your youngsters know to go there and STAY there if they get lost.
Police officers along the route will have lost child/vulnerable people wristbands on them for parents/guardians/carers to write on and put on the wrist of their child/vulnerable person they are responsible for. They will also be available at National Pharmacies merchandise stands and cross-over points along the route. Bring a permanent marker with you so you can write your information on the wristband.
Another great idea is to take a pre-pageant photo of your kids so you know what they are wearing, just in case you need help finding a wandering child. It’s much easier than trying to remember if they’re wearing red or green while you’re in a fluster. But really, just try not to lose them!
Reconciliation Plaza (eastbound lanes) between Grote St and Wakefield St closed from 9:30am 30 October – 9pm 1 Nov.
Reconciliation Plaza between Grote Street and Wakefield Street closed from 9pm 1 November – 6:00pm 3 Nov.
Hindmarsh Square/Mukata (eastern carriageway) between Grenfell St and Pirie Street 2 Nov. from 12am Midnight to 1pm
The below closures are all in place on 2 November from 5am – 1pm
King William St between South Tce and Victoria Square/Tarntanyangga
South Terrace between O’Halloran Street and King William Street
Peacock Road between Greenhill Road and South Terrace
Gilbert Street between Taplley Street and King William Street
Sturt Street between John Street and King William Street
Gilles Street between Symonds Place and King William Street
Halifax Street between Symonds Place and King William Street
Wright Street between John Street and King William Street
Carrington Street between Kent Street and King William Street
Angas Street between Victoria Square/Tarntanyangga (eastern carriageway) and King William Street
Gouger Street between Victoria Square/Tarntanyangga (western carriageway) and King William Street
Victoria Square/Tarntanyangga in its entirely
Grote Street between Morialta Street and Victoria Square/Tarntanyangga
Wakefield Street between Victoria Square and Cypress Street
King William Street between Waymouth Street and North Terrace
King William Road between Festival Drive and North Terrace
North Terrace between Victoria Street and Frome Street
North Terrace (westbound carriageways) between Gresham Street and Frome Street
Kintore Avenue between Morgan Thomas Lane and North Terrace
Pulteney Street between Angas Street and North Terrace
Grenfell Street between Frome Street and King William Street
Twin Street between Grenfell Street and Rundle Mall
York Street between Pulteney Street and Bent Street
Rundle Street between Pulteney Street and a point 73.93 meters east
Apollo Place off King William Street
Clarence Place off King William Street
Naylor Street in its entirely
Pirie Street between Hindmarsh Square/Mukata (eastern carriageway) and Frome Street
Hindley Street between Gresham Street and King William Street
Austin Street between North Terrace and Pulteney Street
Register Lane in its entirely
Stephens Place between Rundle Mall and North Terrace
Flinders Street between Hyde Street and Sudholz Place
Gawler Place between McHenry Street and Rundle Mall
Gawler Place between Wakefield Street and Flinders Street
Hyde Street from Grenfell Street to a point 20 meters south
South Terrace between King William Street and Pulteney Street
Currie Street between Light Square and King William Street
Bloor Court in its entirely
Leigh Street from Currie Street to a point 20 meters north
Gilles Arcade between Playhouse Lane and Currie Street
Gilbert Place from King William Street to a point 20 meters west
Pack more than you think you will need. Once you’ve got your perfect pozzy you don’t want to be getting up to find water and snacks. Pack heaps (and I mean HEAPS) of snacks, and lots of water – it’s amazing how long kids can take to get through a container of grapes cut into quarters to keep them sane while you wait. But forget nutrition. That’s not why you’re there. Snacks are purely for entertainment purposes. Big people need snacks too. And coffee – to save themselves from other people’s annoying children. If you do happen to forget your drink bottles, seven water stations provided by the pageant’s official water sponsor SA Water will be dotted along the pageant route as it snakes from South to The Town Hall.
One of the best parts of the pageant is all the chalky artworks that line the streets. When else do you get permission to draw on public property! Go your hardest! And please send us in any photos of your street art, we’d love to see. (PS – bubbles are also a great idea and kids love them!)

With roads closed and super busy all around the area, public transport will be pretty crowded and kids hate a long walk, so consider riding bikes. You could even park outside the Parklands if you don’t live close to the city and ride from there. Remember your helmets and a good bike lock. If you do drive, bring some change for the parking meter or your credit card and check road closures prior to leaving.
The best roadside spots (in our opinion) are:
– Right at the start along South Terrace before Victoria Square. You can get there early and be one of the first to watch the pageant, then have the rest of the morning to walk around the bustling city. If you can’t get to the pageant before 8am, then the start is the only place you might still pick up a spot where you can actually see – it’s generally the least crowded area. You can also see all the floats in the south parkland before the whole thing begins. Good for a fast exit afterwards too.
– If you’ve got a bladder like a pregnant lady (we’ve been there) or kids who need to go every 15mins, scope out toilet options before choosing a place to watch, so you don’t have far to dash if needed!
– Hindmarsh Square is going to provide a few shady spots for those who get there early enough, and also has a bit of room for running around while you’re waiting for the start whistle.
– Although you’ll have the longest wait, I think the biggest buzz is along King William Street right before Santa reaches his landing spot at Beehive corner, on the corner of Rundle Mall. Get there early for a good spot!

So this is a HUGE event and car parks are going to be harder to find than a left over prawn at Christmas lunch! Additional bus, tram and train services will be running and two children under 15 travel free with an adult using a Daytrip ticket on Pageant day. Trams won’t be running all the way into the city though with the tram service to Glenelg stopping at West Terrace, and the tram service to the Adelaide Entertainment Centre stopping at South Terrace. You’ll need to walk the rest of the way. Check for timetables.
There’s two brand new floats, one redesigned old favourite and one new mini float to look out for this year. Humpty Dumpty has been put back together again and will be making his way down the route adding a touch of nostalgia. The first new float, the PS Murray Explorer, is a tribute to the iconic riverboats from the Murray River region. The grand float will feature a live band, playing festive tunes as it sails through the streets of Adelaide. Another new one is Kumangka malturri – apinthi, pronounced “koo-mung-car mal-doo-ree a-pin-dee,” which translates to “Coming Together” in Kaurna language, a sentiment that aligns with this year’s Pageant theme and honours the Kaurna culture. And last but not least, 2024 mini float competition, ‘Bee Merry’ designed by Lia Mewett from Ardtornish Primary School will be buzzing around.

South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service at 99 Wakefield Street holds it’s Open Day after the pageant from 11am – 2:30pm, so if you’re not in a rush to escape, then let the traffic die down while you swing by after the pageant. It will be awesome. It will be busy. Click here for more info
Let the little ones take front spot, even if they’re not yours. Make sure you stay behind the blue honour line. If you’re bringing chairs, try and bring those low to the ground ones so everyone can see. Try to be patient. Remember your manners. Smile! Laugh. Take photos and have a fantastic day!