Author: Shana

Santaland at Myer Adelaide

Santaland is a magical, winter wonderland filled with activities and things to explore. Your adventure starts aboard the Santaland Express, as the life-size train takes shoppers of all ages on a virtual journey from Myer Central Station non-stop to Santaland. Take some fun photos in front of the green screen. You’ll be able to do some colouring, play with Lego, post a letter to Santa, and of course, meet Santa himself and take a magical family...

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Teacher Gift Ideas

Our teachers have worked hard again this year. We think they ALL deserve a medal. Lots of teachers are also parents so have not only spent the year begging 30 kids to be quiet but then have come home to beg their own child to be quiet. We think teacher gifts are a really special way to show your appreciation for all that hard work. They don’t have to cost a lot of money – it’s definitely the thought that counts. Here’s a range of teacher gift...

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Top 10 Things to do with Toddlers in Adelaide

Toddlers are busy, toddlers are fun, when they throw a tantrum you’ll just want to run! Toddlers can be hard work, but can also be SO MUCH fun. Give them the right space and it’s so entertaining (and also very important) to just let them free and watch them learn, experience, climb, run, fall, work out and try again. Finding that safe space can be tricky though and a fully fenced playground, shallow spot for a splash on a hot day, a cafe with a...

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ANZAC DAY in Adelaide

On April 25, 2024, communities across Adelaide will unite to honour the courageous soldiers who have served and continue to serve our nation. Don’t miss the RSL South Australia Dawn Services, ANZAC march, and Cross of Sacrifice services. Stay updated on the latest information by following the RSLSA page. Make 2024 the year you introduce your children to the significance of ANZAC Day by attending a Dawn Service together. If you’re...

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Strawberry Picking in S.A

There are so many pick your own activities around Adelaide, however no one can deny once you’ve tried a delicious freshly picked strawberry nothing else will ever compare! Strawberry picking season usually happens between October and May (weather dependant) but best to check each individual patch as they all vary. We have sent the team around Adelaide to test out the strawberry patches of Adelaide and have collated our favourites below....

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Pumpkin Carving for Halloween

Halloween – you either love it or loathe it! But there’s no denying it’s growing in popularity every year in Australia. With so much marketing in the shops these days Mr 4 has been so inquisitive about what it is, but mainly how he to can get candy (thanks YouTube). So I decided this would be the year we go all out with Halloween celebrations and no better way to get in the spirit than with some pumpkin carving! Firstly, a few...

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Get Creative Decorating Pot Plants

We love to get messy with paint and finding new things to paint each week, and with the sun out if we can do it outside it’s a winner for us. The best news is little man has taken to Mumma’s plant obsession (can hardly contain my happiness) So with Spring Sprung and Mumma looking for any excuse to head to Bunnings we came home with these cute little pots ready to paint with all sorts of different patterns. I also thought putting a...

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Cleland Parkrun Bushwalk

Cleland Parkrun Course is tucked away in the stunning Adelaide Hills just 20 minutes from the CBD, The 5kms of trail path is accessible anytime of the week and is a reminder of just how stunning Adelaide is. When we stumbled across this little gem we knew we had to share with you as its especially great with kids. During the walk you can expect to see kangaroos, koalas, rainbow lorikeets and so many other bird species around. You do share the...

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The best things in life are FREE… this Mother’s Day

Are you the Mum who organises Mother’s Day for the extended family?Are you the Mum who organises Mother’s Day for YOU (cough cough), because it can be forgotten?Are you the Dad who wants to think outside the box this Mother’s Day?Are you the Mum who wants a leave pass to do something for YOU for a couple of hours?Are you the family who does not want to spend big bucks on Mother’s Day but wants to celebrate this lovely day without breaking the...

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School of the Nativity

School of the Nativity

St David (FEB + MARCH)

St David (FEB + MARCH)

CTK Sidebar Ad – GIF

CTK Sidebar Ad – GIF

300×300—SASI-Open-Day-Kids In Adelaide

300×300—SASI-Open-Day-Kids In Adelaide

Event Cinemas

Event Cinemas

Bright Star

stork nest

lime tree




QBR Books


Novelty Jan 23

ugly swan

ugly swan






cotton on

Cotton On Group Logos (New Sept 2019)


Connetix 64 Piece Pastel Starter Pack


love to dream

earths water

earths water

