
TA DA – It’s Lolly Jar!

Lolly Jar Circus is South Australia’s only inclusive circus school.  It runs all the activities you would expect at a circus school – tumbling, aerial, stilt-walking, hula hoop, juggling and plate-spinning – but it is inclusive of children and young people with disabilities or at social risk.  It is welcoming of people from all cultures.  The “lollies” in the jar are the young people in all their amazing diversity and the lid is...

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We have just discovered the BEST way to keep the kids busy, give them positive ‘screen time’ and learn some amazing art skills – ARTVENTURE! If you haven’t heard of Artventure before, it is an online video art lesson platform giving kids the ability to express themselves, extend their art skills and build their confidence. It’s perfect for kids aged 4-12 or for your teenager, their Art Eye Deer program will be...

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Resilient Kicks – Inclusive Football, Dance & Art Therapy

Resilient Kicks specialise in innovative disability and mental health services for children and young adults in Adelaide. Their services follow an Emotional Resilience Program centered on promoting psychological and emotional health. They run group programs in Inclusive Dance, Inclusive Art Therapy & their Inclusive Football Academy. Their services are facilitated by various qualified professionals using the demonstration and teachings of...

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Theatre Bugs

Acting, singing & dancing classes (for ages 1 – 11 years) Theatre Bugs has been leading fun and delightful preschool dancing, singing and movement classes for more than 21 years. Enjoy a free trial to discover why they have been so popular and successful. Children will have enormous fun learning to act, sing and dance while also learning to trust their own ideas and to develop personal confidence. They are given support to...

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TIDC Performing Arts Studio

Official READY SET DANCE location for: Golden Grove, West Croydon & Elizabeth A one hour combo class of jazz, tap, hip hop, singing, music and a whole lot of fun! TIDC Performing Arts Studio is proud to be an official READY SET DANCE location. READY SET DANCE was the winner of the award for Best National Activity for pre-schoolers in 2018. READY SET DANCE the TV show launched on Nick Jnr on January 21st! Pre-schoolers are able to dance...

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Dream Scaping and Intention Setting

A nice way to support your school aged children in the transition back into school life, is to work with them on their goals.  This project is mixing love and art together to create a very cool collage Dream Scaping vison board. You don’t need much.  Love.  Plus the following items: MagazinesScissorsGlueA4 or A3 paperTime I always start this process with a connection to self, even if that is just closing your eyes and focusing on...

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Mindfulness in Art- Part 3

We explored Mindfulness in Art with our last instalment on Kids in Adelaide with the Shell Mobiles you created from your slow walks along the beach…or fast walks if your children are smaller and faster! In this instalment of Mindfulness in Art we are using nothing but our own bodies and our imaginations. This activity can be used from children as young as three to your teenagers, boy or girl! Regardless of age, it is engaging and teaches the...

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Mindfulness in Art- Part Two

We explored Mindfulness in Art with our last instalment on Kids in Adelaide with Nature Mandalas, with objects collected from the beach and the dunes. Thanks for the great images that came in with your beautiful mandalas…..amazing!! In this instalment of Mindfulness in Art we are using all the beautiful shells we collected for our nature mandala to create a mobile. A project like this is even more satisfying when you are on holidays, creating...

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Mindfulness in Art – Part One

As the warmer weather is approaching and we are able to enjoy our parks and beaches again I want to explore two of my favourite things…art and mindfulness! We can create art anywhere! It is such a great medium to allow us to be ‘present’ or ‘in the moment’ as we are thinking and concentrating on creating, allowing the pace of the world to just slow down. So welcome to the first part of Mindfulness in Art! Nature Mandalas A Mandala is a Sanskrit...

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School of the Nativity

School of the Nativity

St David (FEB + MARCH)

St David (FEB + MARCH)

CTK Sidebar Ad – GIF

CTK Sidebar Ad – GIF

300×300—SASI-Open-Day-Kids In Adelaide

300×300—SASI-Open-Day-Kids In Adelaide



Event Cinemas

Event Cinemas

Bright Star





QBR Books


Novelty Jan 23

ugly swan

ugly swan






cotton on

Cotton On Group Logos (New Sept 2019)


Connetix 64 Piece Pastel Starter Pack


love to dream

earths water

earths water

