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Results for "what"
Our Favourite Dumplings

Our Favourite Dumplings

What are dumplings? Yum....glad you asked. Dumplings have become so popular in the past years. Commonly an Asian cuisine, lets just simplify it to filling (often including meat) in a unique soft dough wrapper. You can boil, steam or fry them and there are many...

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Kids in Adelaide Event Calendar

Kids in Adelaide Event Calendar

Do you find yourself keen to get out and about, looking for something fun to do with your kids or wondering what’s on in Adelaide? Well pack that bag, throw in the wipes and snacks, and set off on your own mini-adventure. Adelaide has some of the best family friendly events and facilities around and there are plenty of fun family things to do and you can find them all on the Kids in Adelaide Event Calendar.

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There are A LOT of online learning resources out there and since COVID-19 and homeschooling came along the choice of which ones to try has been a bit overwhelming. We saw the MathsOnline program pop up on Facebook and decided to give their FREE trial a go. MathsOnline...

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Lest We Forget – Kerry Brown

Lest We Forget – Kerry Brown

I picked up this really sweet book called “Lest We Forget” by Kerry Brown. It’s about a little boy talking to his Grandpa about important days in his life, playing soccer with his team, new uniform on the first day at school...... and through the beautiful...

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What Does ANZAC Day Mean to ME

What Does ANZAC Day Mean to ME

I’ve only been to a handful of ANZAC Day services. We usually go to the service at Brighton, but have also been to one at Victor Harbor. Both were especially moving, in part because of the sound of the waves breaking, reminding the crowd gathered of what memories the...

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00’s Family Movies to Watch

00’s Family Movies to Watch

By now, which just checking my calendar is about the 720th of March, we are all pretty much qualified teachers and for someone who kept getting caught up by the 3 feet rule in netball, I am getting damn good at judging a metre and a half (I also give a really good...

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Easter Egg Nests

Easter Egg Nests

These are a great little Easter treat that the whole family can join in on making. So fun and easy and YUMMY! Thanks to Jess from Cook n Create for this great Easter idea. Ingredients 200g chocolate broken into pieces (TIP: You can always mix chocolates to make up the...

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Backyard Camping

Backyard Camping

Bust out the fairy lights, whether you're seasoned campers who are sad to be missing your annual camping pilgrimage, or it is your first attempt at sleeping under the Southern Cross, any adventurous family looking for something fun to do in the confines of their own...

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Tiger King Review (WTAF)

Tiger King Review (WTAF)

Where: Netflix When: NowBingeability: High - 7 x 45min eps.Short Version:Oh. My. God. What the hell did my eyeballs just consumeSuitable for Kids: NO NO NO WAY! How is it humanly possible to describe this insanity? Lets go with this. Do you enjoy;True CrimeNature...

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Silly Science with Simon

Silly Science with Simon

Believe it or not, there are actually YouTube videos for kids don't have to involve an "unboxing". We recently stumbled across a great educational YouTube channel called Silly Science with Simon and what makes it even better is he's based in Adelaide! Simon is going...

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