Health & Help

It wouldn’t be Kids in Adelaide with out us, the parents and the carers. So we’ve put together some of the best places you can go to be healthy and also some of the Adelaide Services out there to help us with the load of parenting.

Adelaide’s Best Pram Walks

One of those things that you just do not understand until you’ve had kids is how excellent a well timed pram walk can be. There’s something about that perfect ratio of smooth with a few soothing bumps and long enough to last at least one sleep cycle that will have you driving back to the same place every time you’re desperate for a bit of exercise…..or desperate to get bubs to sleep. We’ve had A LOT of babies over the years here at KiA so we’ve...

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Sunscreen for Kids

Sunscreen is just one of those essential, no compromise, must have items we need pretty much all year round now. The Cancer Council recommends using sunscreen every day on days when the UV Index is forecast to be 3 or above and sunscreen should be part of your daily morning routine on these days. Finding one for kids that most importantly works but also is easy to apply and doesn’t irritate sensitive skin is actually quite hard. Take it from...

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Chat Well Allied Health

Chat Well Allied Health is a paediatric allied health service for children aged 0-18, offering speech pathology, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) assessment, and social groups.  They offer flexible service delivery options including; school or home visits, telehealth or clinic-based sessions, at Greenacres and Mawson Lakes. Their clinics are well equipped with a range of resources and materials, as well as an office pup, named Chelsea, to...

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Villagehood Australia

At Villagehood Australia, we welcome every mother (and woman) into our village, holding space for her to maintain her sense of self, wellbeing and independence, as she navigates the trials and triumphs of motherhood.  Our programs are free and available to all mothers and their children, regardless of their life circumstances or social factors because we know that postnatal depression does not discriminate.   We offer a combination of...

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Core Physiotherapy & Pilates Studio

Core Physiotherapy & Pilates Studio have over 80 highly skilled Physiotherapists working in their 12 locations across metro Adelaide, and are celebrating 30 years of service in 2023! Proudly owned and operated by South Australian physiotherapists, Core Physio aims to provide the highest quality physiotherapy care with their extensive range of services. While Core Physio’s clients come from all walks of life, they have a large focus on...

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Emerging Minds Families. An online information hub to help parents support children’s mental health

Emerging Minds, a Federally-funded infant and child mental health organisation, has launched a free online resource called Emerging Minds Families, an online information hub to help parents support children’s mental health As a result of three years of COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions, mental health difficulties in infants and children has become more prevalent than people realise. This new online hub includes videos, fact sheets, web...

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Find a trusted babysitter in Adelaide with the Kiddo App

Want to know where the best Babysitters in Adelaide can be found? Whether you need an hour or two, a whole day, or even afterschool care, Kiddo has got you covered. Kiddo takes the hard work out of finding the perfect carer for your kids, connecting parents with local, verified, and experienced babysitters. Download the free Kiddo App now to get started to find the very best Babysitters, Nannies and NDIS Support workers in Adelaide. How can...

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1000 Play Streets – Play Australia

Ever wish you knew the neighbours? Maybe you have a street full of other young families and wish there was an easy way to connect and introduce the kids and you know, all look out for each other a bit. 1000 Play Streets is a movement initiated by Play Australia to assist Australian families to create stronger, healthier communities with in our own residential streets Wouldn’t it be nice to see the kids play cricket in the street with...

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parkrun Adelaide

FreeFor everyoneForever Wondering what all this parkrun business is about? Quite a few of the KiA families have become avid parkrunners, even Julie who is a self confessed anti-runner! parkrun is a positive, welcoming and inclusive experience where there is no time limit and no one finishes last. Actually. that’s one of our fave parts – knowing that there are dedicated volunteer ‘tail walkers’ who follow behind the last...

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5 Meat Free Family Meals

Looking to cut down on your meat consumption as a family? Getting sick of the same old meat and three veg scenario or perhaps you are concerned about the environmental impacts of meat overconsumption? Whatever your reasons, implementing a Meat Free Dinner once a week is a great choice for your health, our animal friends and the planet overall. Not sure where to start? Keep reading as I share five healthy vegetarian meals below. Green Goodness...

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Build a Gut Friendly Lunchbox

As the summer holidays slowly draw to an end you may have started to prepare for the school term ahead. If you are anything like myself, one area that you might be thinking about is food. What are you going to feed the kids and how can you pack them a healthy lunch box. As a society we are understanding now more than ever the importance of gut health and its influence on overall health. Whilst this area of science is still an emerging field we...

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Mount Lofty Family Friendly Hike

Lets just be straight up here. Climbing Mt Lofty isn’t fun. It may have been sort of fun when you were 20, but now that you are old enough to injure yourself if you sneeze too hard, we need family orientated fitness that isn’t going to end up with some sort of surgery. Thankfully Mt Lofty-Lite is here, so you can get the fancy insta photo at the top with only half the exercise! Brilliant! Steub Trail (named after the Cleland...

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Back to school lunch ideas, that are not processed meat (and why to Avoid It)

We have made it to the last school term of 2020, and if you are feeling like me (after a long and weird 2020) then you are in need of some lunch box inspiration! But let’s step away from the deli counter……. Processed meat is a food that I find is not often talked about in infant or childhood nutrition guidelines (or not talked about enough) and I am yet to find a child who doesn’t like processed meat. So, what are the current...

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Health and Wellbeing & Adelaide Places with Creches

Sometimes it can be really hard to find the time to exercise and stay fit and healthy when you have little ones to take care of. That’s why we LOVE a good Mums & Bubs class, a Women’s fitness classes, parents and bubs yoga, running groups or stroller exercise groups we’ve got some of Adelaide’s best options below. Rauform Pilates At Rauform we believe Pilates and fitness classes should be a wonderful experience for...

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How not to be a tiny person’s snack slave (and 5 great snack ideas)

Firstly, it is normal for children from 12 months of age and beyond to require snacks. Typically, most toddlers and children need 3 meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and 2 snacks per day (morning tea and afternoon tea) with an optional bedtime snack. This meal pattern is helpful right through childhood, so we are not totally off the hook for snacks 😁. However grazing patterns and constantly preparing or getting food on demand for your tiny...

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Foods to Boost Immunity

We are in unprecedented times when now, more than ever, our children’s immunity needs to be at its best. Even though social contact is limited your child may still be going to school and interacting with other children. There may still be other kids with coughs and colds, and no matter how many times you ask your child not to put their fingers near their face or even in their mouth they are still doing it out of habit! Children’s immune systems...

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BYB (Bring your Baby) to Event Cinemas Marion

Treat yourself to some time in front of the big screen with other Parents & Bubs. Cinemas are lightly lit so you can see the action and keep an eye on the little ones. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Event Cinemas Marion and now also showing in Gold Class! Check website for upcoming movies and times.

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Home Pool Safety

Summer is just around the corner and we have been busy getting our pool sorted for hours of swimming fun.  This is also a great time for a quick review of how to make your pool safe, a topic that has been on my mind more than usual recently both because of an accident that my daughter had in our pool.  She hit her head on the side of the pool quite badly, luckily she was not knocked out but it really reinforced the importance of what...

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Head 2 Toe First Aid

Recently a few of the KiA kids participated in a Kids First Aid course run by Karyn from Head 2 Toe First Aid. I’ve been wanting to book this in for aaages and it’s just one of those things that got put off and put off but was constantly niggling in my brain, I knew I had to just to make it a priority and BOOK IT IN. First Aid is SO important, and we’re warned all the time that even just basic First Aid SAVES LIVES so why we...

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Snake Bite First Aid

Being from NZ, I have a bit of a snake phobia (ok a big one).  During my childhood I played in forests, building cubby houses, climbing wood stacks and rocks with the peace of mind that snakes weren’t something I had to think about.  Since moving here, I have made sure that I had learnt about them so that I could teach my children how to be safe around “snakey places” as well as brush up on the current first aid for snake bites. I...

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Aaa CHOO! Spring is in the air it’s time to start sneezing!

How do I know?  Nope, not the blossoms or change in weather… it’s the daily sneezing, watery/itchy eyes and running nose of my hay fever suffering children! via GIPHY Pollen spreads far and wide and is nearly impossible to avoid, but if your family suffers from hay fever here are my top non-pharmaceutical tips to prevent or reduce the symptoms of hayfever: Keep doors and windows shut on high pollen count days (or when the grass has been cut),...

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Kids and Choking

I often describe choking as a parent’s worst nightmare.  It is a topic that I understandably get asked about a lot because it causes the most anxiety amongst parents, grandparents and carers.  There is good reason for this as choking can happen quickly, without warning and a life-threatening choke is quiet. Choking happens when an object enters the airway causing a blockage.  This blockage can be partial (they can still...

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Foot Pains in Children; what pains are common?

Pain is a somewhat common presentation in children from early teething pain and immunisation discomfort; to bumps and grazes as children get faster and more adventurous as they grow. As a paediatric podiatrist we see children who are experiencing foot pain for a number of different reasons. Parents will often bring children in, especially school aged children, who are starting to mention foot pain during and after school or sports. Arch pain...

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5 Tips on how to talk to your child about sex

There are not many questions children ask that make you freeze on the spot quite like the time they ask, “Mummy how do babies get out?” Or as my son recently asked, “Daddy does sex hurt?” It usually comes out of the blue at a random time or place and catches you completely off guard. Now I’m not new to this stuff as a sexual health and paediatric nurse and having raised 5 children, I should have been ready, but no matter how skilled you are, it...

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Vaccinations: how to support your little one…

I have experienced the two sides of the vaccination process, both as a Mum taking my own children for their vaccinations, and as a Practice Nurse, vaccinating countless children.  I want to let you in on a little secret, on either side of the process it is not my favourite job in the world, but it is a really important one. My experiences have shown me that the way it is approached both by the parent and the vaccinator can make a world of...

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Kids Lunchbox Foods that SOUND healthy, but aren’t (and what you can have instead)

What we think might be healthy to include in our kids lunchboxes and what is actually healthy for them can be vastly different! Our choices are often influenced by what we have been programmed to believe when we walk around the supermarket aisles due to marketing, packaging and the power of the corporate dollar. Here are 5 examples of some foods that you might want to reconsider and try these healthier alternatives instead.  Kids Yoghurt is a...

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Lunchboxes for Kids

When it comes to packing lunchboxes for kids, there’s a lot of pressure to ensure the food is ‘nude’, raw, organic and homemade. If you’re like a lot of parents, this can be tricky. Things like work, other children, illness or even access to these kinds of foods can all play a role in what types of food your children receive in their lunchboxes each day. Rather than stressing about all the different rules, maybe...

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Hugs are awesome. We all love giving and receiving hugs. The average length of a hug is three seconds, but did you know that when a hug lasts 20 seconds, there is a therapeutic effect on the body and mind? The reason is that a sincere embrace produces oxytocin, otherwise known as the love hormone. This substance has many benefits to our physical and mental health. Among many things it helps us relax, to feel safe, to calm our fears and...

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First Aid for Kids

It is no secret that I believe that first aid is a fundamental life skill.  Over the years people have asked me whether their children should learn first aid and it is no surprise that my response is a great big “YES”.  I know some people are understandably concerned that the topics covered could upset children. However, I believe if taught in the right way, first aid for children can be empowering and can save lives.  Let me...

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What colour is your wee? This is important to know in summer!

Its about to get hot-hot-hot in Adelaide and mix in activities in the silly season we can easily forget some pretty crucial symptoms and preventions to keep us chilled like cucumbers and not roasted capsicums!. When the tempreture reaches over 35 c your body may not be able to cool you down fast enough before your health is effected. Heat related illnesses are serious! Dehydration, Heat stroke, Heat exhaustion, Heat cramps and Heat rash can...

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Event Cinemas

Event Cinemas

christmas warehouse


Novelty Jan 23

ugly swan

ugly swan






cotton on

Cotton On Group Logos (New Sept 2019)


Connetix 64 Piece Pastel Starter Pack



lime tree

love to dream

earths water

earths water

