
Easy Lunchbox Recipes

It’s always hard to come up with nutritious lunchbox ideas that your kids will actually eat, isn’t it? With the amount of kids we have between us here at Kids in Adelaide, and the number of lunchboxes we put together any given week we’ve asked around the team and put together some great (and simple!) lunchbox recipes and tips that are guaranteed to be a winner with even the fussiest of kids. The key to packing lunchboxes for...

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Make Your Own Sushi

Did you know that making sushi doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated? Our kids love rolling up their sleeves (and their lunch) and I mean there are worse things in the world than a few bits of stray sticky rice around your kitchen right? We even whip this up fresh before school some mornings, to be honest it’s usually the morning after we have chicken schnitzel for dinner, because that’s my kids sushi go to – but...

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Leftover Easter Egg Recipes

If for some unknown, inexplainable, bizarre reason you have leftover Easter Eggs to use up, Jess from Cook n Create Adelaide has sent us through a few delicious ways to repurpose those eggs into other chocolately and delicious treats. Easter Egg Chocolate Brownies Ingredients 250g unsalted butter300g chocolate (We like to mix it up so 100g Dark chocolate and 200g milk but really whatever you have is perfect!). Break the chocolate into small...

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Double Chocolate Scones

Nothing like your Grandma used to make and every thing like the chocolate mud scone that you will find at Bakers Delight, we used World Chocolate Day as an excuse to roll up our sleeves with the kids in the kitchen and knock out a batch of these lunch box winners. Make them by hand, make them in a food processor (honestly this is the worst option) or make them in your fancy pants Thermomix using the ‘kneeding’ function if you like...

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Apple Recipes by Cook n Create

With Autumn comes many beautiful spots in Adelaide to go apple picking! Places such as PYO @Lenswood or Harrisville Orchards throw their gates open for families to come and pick their own apples – there really is nothing like a fresh crunchy apple right off the tree! If you’re anything like us when you go fruit picking though, you often get over enthusiastic and end up with more than you can eat. Luckily, Cook n Create has come to...

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Easter Brownies Recipe by Masterchef’s, Steph Woon

Easter is all about food, right? (Well, in our house anyway!) So it’s perfect timing that Masterchef is back on Network Ten this Easter Monday, 18th April at 7:30pm. And how lucky are we? One of this years contestants, Steph Woon has created an Easter Brownies Recipe, just for all of our Kids In Adelaide followers! If you need a dessert to take to your family Easter catch up, something to take with you on a school holiday outing, or you...

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Lemon Meringue Pie

Cooking is an absolute school holidays and weekend favourite for us. A reward in our house is that you can write a supermarket list and have the kitchen to your self for a half day. This week that scored us a delicious lemon meringue pie. Part made up of ingredients that we had on hand, plus a chat with Grandma on the phone to establish if it was possible with no beaters or food processor and to confirm the method… is Taylah’s...

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Pop It Chocolates

Fidget toys are so hot right now, loads of kids in Adelaide schools etc seem to have them. What a craze! We found another fun use for those [slightly annoying but ever consuming] trending pop it figit toys. Use them as a chocolate mould! Look, we are not going to claim it as our own idea, but we did have to give it a crack when we came accross it online, and we are pretty chuffed with the results. What a fun school holidays idea! What you will...

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Anzac Biscuit Recipe

ANZAC BISCUIT RECIPE – MAKES ABOUT 35 1 cup rolled oats 1 cup plain flour 1 cup sugar 3/4 (three-quarters) cup coconut 125g (4 oz) butter 2 tablespoons golden syrup ½ (half) teaspoon bicarbonate of soda 1 tablespoon boiling water Combine oats, sifted flour, sugar and coconut. Combine butter and golden syrup, stir over gentle heat until melted. Mix soda with boiling water, add to melted butter mixture, stir into dry ingredients. Take...

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5 Meat Free Family Meals

Looking to cut down on your meat consumption as a family? Getting sick of the same old meat and three veg scenario or perhaps you are concerned about the environmental impacts of meat overconsumption? Whatever your reasons, implementing a Meat Free Dinner once a week is a great choice for your health, our animal friends and the planet overall. Not sure where to start? Keep reading as I share five healthy vegetarian meals below. Green Goodness...

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Rocky Road Recipe by Cook n Create

Need a recipe your kiddos will LOVE making? One that they can get fully immersed in and creative with? The awesome Adelaide-based folks at Cook n Create have one of our favorites here for you! We road tested (see what we did there?) the recipe for you and can confirm it’s a great one and would make a fab Christmas gift for teachers and friends. What you will need (This is the full recipe but if you want to make less, you can simply half...

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How not to be a tiny person’s snack slave (and 5 great snack ideas)

Firstly, it is normal for children from 12 months of age and beyond to require snacks. Typically, most toddlers and children need 3 meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and 2 snacks per day (morning tea and afternoon tea) with an optional bedtime snack. This meal pattern is helpful right through childhood, so we are not totally off the hook for snacks 😁. However grazing patterns and constantly preparing or getting food on demand for your tiny...

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Don’t know about you, but winter screams comfort food in this KiA house, and here’s an easy [cheesy] dinner that we make ahead of time to pop in the oven after sport and it’s sooooo warming and yum. Plus it’s easy enough for the kids to help make and that’s always a win. We started making this because we have found spinach one of the easiest things to grow in our garden. Note, you can halve the spinach if you...

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Kids Bruschetta for One

Hands up if you have kids that can cater for them selves in the kitchen. It’s so rewarding when they are interested and capable, but god damn they make a hell of a mess don’t they? Here is one of our favourite after school snacks. You could add finely diced red onion and some chopped up bocconcini or avocado if you like, but we don’t always have those things on hand and it adds to the cost. What you will need: Some type of...

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Scouts Arm Pit Dog Poo Fudge

Cook this yummy sweet fudge with your armpit! Yes, yes you did read that correctly. This one is for the kids to have a bit of fun. We found it in the Scouts Free Fun – Delivered July activities. You can sign up for FREE for a monthly email of family and kids activities like this and more here: What you need: 1/2 Cup Icing Sugar 1 Tablespoon Butter 2 Teaspoons Cream Cheese 1/4 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract 2 Teaspoons...

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Pancake Board (GLUTEN Free)

As of about five seconds ago, when I was chatting to my friend Lisa from @feeding_elli ‘Pancake Boards’ are my new favourite thing in the entire universe. When I fall for something (food mostly) I fall HARD. This little beauty is completely Gluten Free, but you know – do what ever. I never know what snack to make when the kids have GF friends over. Lisa has nailed it. Check out her little local page some time, dedicated to...

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Our Favourite Dumplings

What are dumplings? Yum….glad you asked. Dumplings have become so popular in the past years. Commonly an Asian cuisine, lets just simplify it to filling (often including meat) in a unique soft dough wrapper. You can boil, steam or fry them and there are many variations of these tasty bite and a half sized delights. Dumplings are a favourite of ours (actually I lie, one kid just pretends to like them because she likes drinking soy sauce)...

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White Chocolate and Raspberry Scones

INGREDIENTS: 2 cups SR Flour Pinch of salt 1/2 cup milk 1/4 cup water 1 tsp sugar 30g chopped cold butter suggested optional flavours Handful of: Frozen raspberries and white chocolate chips OR Frozen or fresh blueberries OR Sultanas OR Grated cheese and chopped chives Rub in the butter METHOD: Place butter and flour together in a large bowl and rub with your fingers until resembles breadcrumbs. Add sugar, milk and water and chosen flavour, if...

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Easter Egg Nests

These are a great little Easter treat that the whole family can join in on making. So fun and easy and YUMMY! Thanks to Jess from Cook n Create for this great Easter idea. Ingredients 200g chocolate broken into pieces (TIP: You can always mix chocolates to make up the 200g)85g Shredded wheat (You can also use Cornflakes, Rice crispies, Weetbix etc – Whatever cereals you have just make sure they are crushed)2 x 100g bags of mini eggs Method Melt...

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Our Fave Homemade Ice Block Recipes

Nothing beats a frozen treat on a hot Adelaide day and they don’t have to be full of sugar and hard to pronounce ingredients. Our best flavour combos have always come from throwing in what’s left of the frozen fruit in the freezer, adding some yoghurt or coconut water, blending up in my Magimix, freeze and cross fingers. But if you’re a recipe following type of person, here are some other ideas to try. We love our reuseable My...

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Santa Cookies

These Santa cookies will make a great snack for hungry Santa this Christmas. Or, alternatively, you can just eat them yourself so that Santa doesn’t get too full and get stuck in the chimney. Ingredients: 3 Cups of flour 125 grams of melted butter 1/4 cup condensed milk 1/4 cup white sugar m and m’s Method: Preheat oven to 180 degrees Line a tray with baking paper Melt butter in microwave for 15 seconds Add sugar and mix to creamy Add...

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The Best Gingerbread Recipe

The Best Gingerbread Recipe from The Colourful Housewife I have always been a bit fearful of making gingerbread, mostly because it just sounds hard because it’s ginger AND bread. I mean, sure, I have made chocolate cake before, but cakes are meant to be lots of different flavours whereas bread, well, that’s just bread. Adding ginger to it sounds all just a little too tricky to me! So, thank you Colourful Housewife for this simple...

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School of the Nativity

School of the Nativity

St David (FEB + MARCH)

St David (FEB + MARCH)

CTK Sidebar Ad – GIF

CTK Sidebar Ad – GIF

300×300—SASI-Open-Day-Kids In Adelaide

300×300—SASI-Open-Day-Kids In Adelaide

Event Cinemas

Event Cinemas

Bright Star

stork nest

lime tree




QBR Books


Novelty Jan 23

ugly swan

ugly swan






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Cotton On Group Logos (New Sept 2019)


Connetix 64 Piece Pastel Starter Pack


love to dream

earths water

earths water

